Monday, March 23, 2009

Base Camp - March 22, 2009

Today has been a long day. We got up fairly early and have kept moving. The weather is so unpredictable. The day started out beautiful and then turned to snow wind and cold. We were able to get a picture of the HP banner early in the morning and I'm attaching it to this blog. Wanted to let the team know they are great and hope Conversion, AOS and RPC is high on my return. Even though it was snowing, we jumped into the zodiac boats and traveled to an island that has the largest penguin colony in the area. Penguins were everywhere. You could hardly step off the boat without having 10 curious penguins waddling over to check you out. The area also stunk to high heaven because of all the penguin poo. On the island, our video specialist captured film of me sitting (yes, poo and all) and using my HP notebook and mobile digital picture frame. I'm sure we will see a jump in sales. I'm attaching a picture of one of the leopard seals. We have some awesome video of one of them catching a penguin. It is a bit graphic, so I'm sure it is not something everyone will want to watch. We spent about three and a half hours on the island and by the time we jumped back into the zodiacs, we were completely soaked. We are now in a snow storm..did I say the weather is unpredictable here?


  1. Drew,
    Cold? How cold? Can you quantify that for me? :)

  2. Hi, u dont know me but I am friends with Amanda on Facebook. She put this link in one of her comments and I just wanted to say that Antartica looks absolutley gorgeous. Do u know if its true what people are saying about the Antartic melting?

  3. Hi Drew!!! Looks like you are having an amazing time, and it is absolutely beautiful over there. Can't wait to hear more stories when you get back. Have a safe voyage back and where your life jacket! :)

